Cinematographic Collection for Sale

My collection includes:

- Cinematographic collection of historical facts of Thessaloniki (Greece), Thessaloniki's suburbs and Greece in general, for the period 1911 to 1990. The films are 35mm and 16mm (Positive, Negative, Reversible). The total length of the films is 80.000 meters.
- Greek and foreign films of 9.5mm, 16mm and 35mm concerning: cinematographic news, documentaries, and movies (greek and foreign) from 1895 to 1975 with total length 190.000 meters.

- Trailers of movies (worldwide) at 35mm films (300 pieces) with total length 20.000 meters.
- 30.000 picture and poster prototypes of movies (greek and foreign) from 1920 to 2005.
- 100 pictures of Thessaloniki from 1900 to 1965 (and 1500 frames at their prototype negative from 1974 to 1976).
- A collection of sport images from Thessaloniki for the period 1974 to 1976 (7955 frames - prototype negative).
- A series of cinematographic mechanisms of historical importance (from 1790 to 1960) that can serve as exhibits.
- Excellent working cinematographic systems for image capture, projection, and montage of 16mm, 35mm (with a series of supplementary material).
- Other various cinematographic exhibits that i don't describe hereby.

All the afforementioned films have been used in a series (tens) of tv-shows.
My cinematographic collection is "for sale" because currently i face a lack of space in order to preserve it in good condition. So this valuable piece of cinematographic history is in danger.
I acquired the afforementioned cinematographic collection as a movie maker (1945), producer and corresponder of greek and foreign cinematographic and teleoptical news, as well as a collector from 1935.
In order from my cinematographic collection to be stored 400 s.m. are required !!!

The whole cinematographic collection is currently "for sale" at the price that will be agreed by two or three estimators of reciprocal confidence (holders of cinematographic degrees).
Nikos S. Bililis will retain only the rights for his intellectual property as it is defined by the law.

N. S. Bililis
2310-274325 (tel-fax)
Mitropoleos 61
zip code: 54623
Thessaloniki, Greece
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